How to give yourself the perfect manicure
We all want long, healthy, strong nails right? But we also want our nails to look in tip top shape! Here are the steps in to getting the perfect manicure~
Step 1: Remove all nail polish
This is an important step because you want to make sure that your nails are bare before you start your mani. Use a good cotton pad that doesn't leave any fuzzy bits on your nails.
Step 2: File your nails
You want to file your nails according to the shape that you want. Some shapes would be; oval, square, claw. Which ever shape you choose you must not file down the sides of your nail. This will cause your nails to be weaker and more brittle.
Step 3: Push back those cuticles
Pushing back your cuticles will make your nails look more tidy. You should never cut your cuticles because they protect your nails. Pushing them back a bit won't do any harm. You want to first soak your hand in warm water for 5 minutes so that your cuticles soften up. Once that happens you can use your orange stick or popsicle stick to push back your cuticles.
Step 4: Moisturize
You can make an olive oil + sugar scrub to remove all the dead skin off your hands. This will make your hands glow!
Just remember to apply some hand lotion afterwards!
Just remember to apply some hand lotion afterwards!
Step 5: Apply nail polish
To complete this mani you want to apply a base coat onto your nails. This will prevent staining. Then apply a nail polish of your choice, once dry apply a second coat. Then apply a top coat to make the colour last longer. And voila! You're at home manicure is complete!
You can easily do the same thing for your toes~ Have fun while you're glamourizing your nails!
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