5 Reasons You Should Use Coconut Oil For Your Hair


How many of you have wished to have long, luscious, soft and supple hair? What if I told you that all of those factors can be achieved by one ingredient. Already intrigued? Now what if I told you that it was inexpensive and available everywhere? Coconut oil is literally a spa treatment for your hair. You put this bad boy on and GIRRRRRRRL YOU ARE SET. Coconut oil is the answer to everything. Ran out of shaving lotion? Coconut oil. Need a moisturizer to heal those cracked feet of yours? Coconut oil. Need to grow your eyebrows thicker? Coconut oil. Your man is arguing with you about something? Coconut oil. In all seriousness though, the use of coconut oil for beautification has been around for millenniums. This hail Mary oil is literally a godsend and I just HAD to write about it. Coconut oil has many uses in the beauty world but today we are going to focus on the benefits it gives your hair. A ton of you will probably ask the difference between other oils and all I can say is that every oil has different properties! I find that coconut oil is the only oil that I don't have to wash out of my hair. My scalp literally soaks this thing up! 

1. For Faster Hair Growth

It is no secret that coconut oil can increase hair growth. You've probably read about it somewhere on Pinterest. I was tired of always searching up 'short hairstyles' and wanted to grow my hair long so that I can search 'hairstyles for long hair'! No more need for hair extentions because now you can grow your hair to the length you want. You may have also had doubts about its effectiveness. Well ladies and gentleman, today I am here to hit you with facts.There are many vitamins and fatty acids that contribute to the health of your hair. The same way that your body will react when you eat healthy foods is the same way your hair will when you feed it healthy nutrients. Coconut oil has antioxidants that will improve scalp healthy, and antibacterial properties that will help prevent and combat infections. Coconut oil is the least greasy compared to other oils such as olive oil and amla oil for example. Coconut oil contains a special ingredient called lauric acid which is a fatty acid which hair protein receptors bind to. This leads to an overall improvement in the strength of the hair shaft and also stops the thinning of hair. 

2.  For Thick Hair

I've tried so many commercial hair products that claim to give you thicker hair in the short amount of time and.... nothing. All those products did were give me extremely frizzy and dry hair. Once I discovered coconut oil, my hair care regimen did a complete 360. I was skeptical at first but after I tried it out, I noticed a huge difference in my hair! It is a natural and effective way to thicken your hair. Many hair products that are sold in stores are filled with so much harmful chemicals. Even the ones that advertise themselves as "Coconut Oil Deep Conditioners" are still filled with many ingredients that will damage your hair in the long run. You want to use pure virgin coconut oil to receive all of its benefits.

3. As a Moisturizer

As I mentioned earlier, coconut oil is the only oil that I do not have to wash out of my hair. It is an amazing moisturizer that can be left in. Now, that's not to say that everyone will be able to withstand an oil being left in their hair. It's a matter of finding what works for you. If you have hair that gets greasy fast, I would recommend using the oil only on the ends of your hair. I have a scalp drier than the Sahara desert, so when I give my hair coconut oil it quenches its thirst immediately. My hair cooperates so much better when I feed it good things LOL. I use coconut oil after washing my hair and also before I braid my hair. It leaves my hair soft to the touch and gives it an unbelievable bounce!

4. Combat Dandruff

Did you know that coconut oil can help treat dandruff? Dandruff is the dead skin cells from the scalp. The cause of dandruff is caused by the overgrowth of a fungus called malassezia. Dandruff leaves noticeable white flakes on the hair and is VERY itchy. Coconut oils' antibacterial and anti fungal properties kill the viruses and bacteria that are found on the scalp. Many dandruff shampoos have ingredients in them that is can cause more harm than good. Coconut oil solves the problem of the fungus while also improving the health of the scalp.

5. Silky and Smooth Hair

Coconut oil has the ability to give your hair the lustre it craves! We all want that iridescent glow that we see on magazines. Coconut oil helps condition your hair, leaving it smooth and sleek. I have curly hair and ever since I've put my hair through hell by bleaching it and getting perms, I've never seen my hair to be as healthy as it looks once I put coconut oil on it. I also use coconut oil as a heat protectant before straightening or curling my hair and the end result is just woooow! Try this before doing any hairstyle!

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